Saturday, December 29, 2007

My Mother Dresses Me Funny

Hey Germaniacs!

Just checking in one last time while in "The States". When I arrive in Frankfurt, it will be about 6am local time on December 31st (or the 31st of December if you're European). I'm getting in on New Year's Eve! Now, my mom says "if you can't wear a sequined dress on New Year's, when can you?!" then she promptly bought me a sequined dress. (exhibit A)

Listen, I know this dress is ridiculous. (I even tried that line on Momma.) Especially since I'm betting the circle of German folks my dearest (and often bohemian) Sarah will be celebrating with tend to stray from the Richard Simmons end of the wardrobe spectrum. I however, will be flashier than a Hollywood whorehouse. In conjunction - oh how I long to blame this on my mom, but unfortunately I must own up - I painted my nails a heinous silver to go with the outfit. (exhibit B)

So there's that.

Mom also talked me into buying some gold shoes to coordinate with my outfit. I hope I'm not mistaken for the Star of Bethlehem, there would be too much explaining in sputtering, mortified, tear-filled English to non-native speakers. (alas! no pictures of the shoes, they're packed away. You'll see them in later posts I assure you.)

Worry not, my dear readers. I will own this outfit. Just like I have owned many of my other "cute" outfits. One day, around age 10, she came home with Pepto-Bismol pink loafers from TJ Maxx. I gagged at the sight and demanded they be returned. She insisted I try them. They were my favorite shoes for the ensuing 9 months. Honestly! Who wears Pink Loafers?!

I did.

I've learned to give in and let Ingie's terrible taste in clothes be my fashion statement.

Pray for safe travels and nice weather!

Auf Weidersehen,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I expect some serious 80s dancing taking place in that dress. Way to represent!