Sunday, January 6, 2008

There cannot be enough Fetterhoff.

This is what happens when Sarah Picks me up from the train station! (this is post Mission: little boy rescue was successfully completed.)

Sarah has this thing about smelling or testing things in stores. It sort of embarasses me. She has such a different view of stealing. (She made me try a johannesberry in the grocery store. I was part guilty and part grateful.)

Four kilometers sounds more than four miles. But the approximately 2 mile ride to the Stolzenfels castle was brief and enjoyable. The castle was an adventure in itself.

When Sarah and I were setting up this picture, she said "I'm gonna play This little piggie with his toes." Oh Constantine, you can't just leave your shoes in the way like normal people, can you?

I have one word for this photo:

(ok maybe more: Note her beautiful Pizzelle earrings. Very stylish. And she pulls them off with such pinache!)

This is when Sarah tried to teach me how to say "Rot." Note how refreshed and unstrained she looks. (she did not leave the train with this much energy, let me tell you!) Her glow may also be attributed to the beautiful countryside we were passing through. (Schafen! Weintrauben! Berg! Burg!)

You know Sarah and her Bananen.

She casts such a glorious reflection, wouldn't you say? The train from Trier was a little tainted by some other English speakers. I take for granted not being evesdropped upon! (and being mistaken for a Brit!)

Today we went to a lovely mass in a Spring-like church and met up with Astrid and had another lovely German meal! Oh the local Riesling here has no match! I have only 4 days remaining, and it pains me to say so. I shall make the best of these days I promise!

Auf wiedersehen,

1 comment:

MagLite said...

that Fetter is hoffing all over the place!

I think my favorite is the banana picture. It reminds me of the good ol days back in B305.